Buy-In from Agents Builds Buy-In from Executives

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Getting buy-ins is everything in CX leadership, so it follows that it would also be the #1 problem that CX leaders struggle with. Today, with the help of Dave Seaton, we will be explaining how to build buy-in and how to appeal to your stakeholders.

Topics we cover in today’s discussion:

[ 3:34-6:33 ] There are more steps beyond buy-in. To be successful, you need both commitment and action. To do this, you need to really analyze your stakeholders.

[ 9:35- 10:05 ] Everybody is different, which means that each stakeholder will have different areas that are more important to them. When pitching to each stakeholder make sure that you are appealing to their wants and needs. Influence with intention, not intuition.

[ 17:14- 18:17 ] There are times when you need to appeal to all different types of stakeholders at one time. To properly appeal to them all, think of it like snacks at a party. You’ll want to make sure that everyone of your executives has a little bit of “snack” to keep them interested.

[ 19:58- 21:10 ] Predicting the effectiveness of your change is as simple as this easy formula: E ( effectiveness of change ) = Q ( quality of change ) x A ( acceptance of change )

Even with the same project and same goal, you’ll need individual proposals to appeal to each of your stakeholders. Analyzing what is important to each of your stakeholders and applying it to each of your proposals will help with building buy-in.

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