CX Training at its Best: Integrative, Cost Effective and Psychologically Fortifying

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In this episode we bring you Sheri Kendall, Regional Training Manager of Wayfair to share her approach to CX Training.

In many ways our call center agents act as our brand ambassadors all day long, talking to our customers and we believe in taking care of these agents. We need to provide them with effective training to set them up for success. They are holding up important positions on our front lines!

Let’s build a solid foundation relationship with them so they represent us well. Let’s offer them a work environment where the departments of our business function cohesively. Let’s integrate their training right into their work seamlessly. Most importantly let’s have their back and stand by them so they can thrive.

Topics discussed in this Episode:

[10:14] Training should incorporate what is learned in CX and Known Through Your Organization.

[15:45] Integrating small segments of training into the work Reduces Training Costs and Improves Effectiveness.

[19:26] The Ladder of Psychological Safety in CX Training.

[26:29] Agents who feel safe at work can help us grow and improve!

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